OWOE Staff: This month, the American Petroleum Institute (API) presented its "5 Point Policy Roadmap to Secure American Energy Leadership and Help Reduce Inflation" to President-elect Donald Trump and the 119th US Congress. Given that the API is an organization that was created by the oil industry, is supported by the oil industry, and is funded by the oil industry, it is no surprise that it is a blatantly self-serving plan whose primary purpose is to ensure income and maintain shareholder value for the fossil fuel industry. However, OWOE has reviewed the plan and concluded that it is a not unreasonable plan in many ways. With that in mind, OWOE has done some minor editing to address several serious problems that will negatively impact our planet over the long term and hereby presents its own "5 Point Policy Roadmap to Secure American Energy Leadership and Ensure the Planet is Protected for Future Generations".
Please note that OWOE has reordered the actions to move tax policy from #5 to #1 given that it is by far the most important of the five actions required to meet the plan's goals.
OWOE changes/comments are in bold.
Action 1: Advance Sensible Tax Policy
Action 2: Protect Consumer Choice
Assuming Action 1 is taken, these recommendations will become irrelevant. Once the true cost of greenhouse gas emissions associated with oil and gas extraction, transportation, and burning is factored into the cost of vehicles and fuel, transportation options for the consumer will be placed on level footing. There will be no need for government mandates to transition to electric vehicles (EVs); it will be demand driven. (See OWOE: Why Can't Someone Calculate the True Price of Gasoline?)
Action 3: Bolster Geopolitical Strength
Action 4: Leverage Our Natural Resources
Action 5: Reform Our Permitting System
It should be pointed out that API states that the oil and gas industry supports 11 million jobs in the US. There is no reference to the basis for this number; therefore, OWOE would like to direct readers to the most recent US Department of Energy "United States Energy & Employment Report 2023". which identifies a total of 8.1 million jobs at the end of 2022 in the much broader energy sector. Of that, over 40% are in the clean energy sector. Regardless of the source or how the numbers are counted, the bottom line is that a significant number of jobs related to energy are associated with clean energy, and no energy policy should be put forth without considering the broader impacts of the policy.
Note: please visit Our World of Energy to see all the new and updated content.