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Resource List

CK-12 is committed to providing free access to open-source content and technology tools that empower students as well as teachers to enhance and experiment with different learning styles, resources, levels of competence, and circumstances.
Clarkson University
Clarkson brings the excitement of science and engineering to K-12 students through project-based learning and after-school mentoring programs, and through collaboration with other area colleges. Through interactive learning and the development of student/teacher mentorship, we foster relationships, answer questions and provide an insightful perspective into the realities of science and technology education.
Clarkson University
Creative Discovery Museum
Creative Discovery Museum is one of the top children's museums in the country located in the heart of downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is partnered with the US Department of Energy and its Oak Ridge National Laboratory and BioEnergy Science Center to study and promote the use of biofuels as an energy resource. Lessons are designed to give students a fun, hands-on introduction to the science related to biofuels.
Creative Discovery Museum
Department of Energy
The US Energy Department's mission is to ensure America's security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
Department of Energy
EIA Energy Kids
Energy Kids ( is a student-friendly website hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA). The site includes a variety of information and activities about energy organized in several main categories: What is Energy?, Sources of Energy, Using & Saving Energy, History of Energy, Games and Activities, for Teachers, Related Links, Energy Calculators, and a Glossary.
EIA Energy Kids
The US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Student's Guide to Global Climate Change is intended to help provide students and educators with clear, accurate information about the causes and effects of climate change - as well as the steps we can all take to help solve the problem.
Florida Solar Energy Center
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) is premised on the realization that changing the way the world uses and produces energy isn't going to happen in one generation. FSEC works with educators to engage and interest students of all levels to help create a brighter energy future. Its K-12 program has generated some of the most student-friendly activities and curricula units available for renewable energy.
Florida Solar Energy Center
Geology Cafe
Geology Cafe is a natural resource website focused on the origin of rocks and geologic processes changing our American landscapes. Content focus is on introductory college level courses on geology and oceanography. Topical discussions, maps, and photography focus mostly about California geology, but also includes information about other regions.
Geology Cafe
The NEED (National Energy Education Development) Project is focused on promoting an energy conscious and educated society by creating effective networks of students, educators, business, government and community leaders to design and deliver objective, multi-sided energy education programs. NEED works with energy companies, agencies and organizations to bring balanced energy programs to the nation's schools with a focus on strong teacher professional development, timely and balanced curriculum materials, signature program capabilities and turn-key program management.
NOAA's mission is to provide science and information for a climate-smart nation. To achieve this goal, NOAA provides timely and authoritative scientific data and information about climate science, adaptation, and mitigation.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has developed The Student Corner as a resource for student learning and research in the area of nuclear technology.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Scripps Classroom Connection
The Scripps Classroom Connection (SCC) aims to systematically and simultaneously improve communication skills of Earth Science graduate students and K-12 education in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD). These goals are relevant because Earth Science literacy is fundamental to the success of our society that must practice much more effective stewardship of our very fragile planet and that needs to understand how planet Earth works as an integrated chemical, physical and biological system.
Scripps Classroom Connection
Shell STEM Classroom
Shell, one of the largest oil companies in the world, is a recognized pioneer in oil and gas exploration and production technology. As part of its effort to look for efficient, environmentally friendly ways to meet society's energy demands, it has created a set of STEM learning programs and resources to help educate students in one of the most exciting, varied and crucial industries on Earth.
Shell STEM Classroom
Smart Learning for All
Smart Learning for All is a free, fun and educational Youtube channel that provides a one stop solution for learning for people of all ages.
Smart Learning for All
The Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information
The Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information is an outreach initiative of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). The Center makes the complex nuclear world easier to understand for the general public and encourages and inspires fun nuclear education for K-12 students. Most of all, it helps people learn the many benefits that nuclear science and technology brings to their lives - from their health to their safety and many conveniences in their everyday lives.
The Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information is a resource for students, their parents, their teachers and their school counselors. This is a portal about engineering and engineering careers, and we hope it will help young people understand better what engineering means, and how an engineering career can be made part of their future.
University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Studies
The University of Michigan's Center for Sustainable Systems at the School for Environment and Sustainability creates systems analysis methods, models, and metrics for advancing sustainable futures.
University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Studies